On Retro Cupcakes

It has been a bit of a crazy week but I really wanted to write a quick post on my cupcake project from last weekend. One of guys who works upstairs in my building (and was a recipient of these cakes) asked me to make a dozen cupcakes for his mom’s birthday this week. He asked that they have a bit of a retro feel, so we decided on bright holders, straws and sprinkles to make them look a little like old-school American diner milkshakes.




After a mini (frosting-related) meltdown, I need to say a huge thank you to my dear fiance who went out in the wild Cape Town storm to buy an extra bag of icing sugar and some more butter. Crisis averted!

I found it difficult to get hold of the striped cupcake covers – if you perhaps know of a good supplier for this kind of thing, please leave a comment at the end of this post!

Have a happy Tuesday…


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